Attend the eSummit

eSummit 2024

Dive into electronics sustainability's past, present, and future at the eSummit. More than a typical industry conference, this forward-thinking and innovative event, offers real opportunities to drive impactful progress within your organization and beyond, regardless of your title or job responsibility.  

The future of electronics sustainability begins with you


We’ve all been to conferences that were dedicated to specific channels or individual stakeholders. But the eSummit is different because it is built to bring all the channels and all the stakeholders of electronics together, in one place. And that’s because making electronics sustainable requires everyone making better decisions around electronics, every step of the way.

The eSummit brings a full lifecycle approach to programming, from design to returns, repair, ITAD, reuse, recycling, and beyond. And it brings together everyone who makes, sells, buys, uses, services, repairs, refurbishes, and recycles electronics, as well as the regulators who set policy and academics who study the industry. Procurement professionals learning alongside product designers. Refurbishers sharing with corporate sustainability folks. And regulators workshopping with recyclers.

We’re talking about IT equipment, mobile, data centers, solar panels, and more, creating a space where stakeholders from across the electronics lifecycle will meet, connect, and share perspectives to progress toward circular and sustainable outcomes.

From first use to reuse to recycling, the circular model requires different decision-making throughout to make electronics sustainable and we’ll explore all those decision points and their interconnectivity, sharing the new and progressive initiatives that are transforming the electronics industry for a more sustainable future. 


How can we extend the life of our electronics during first use? We’ll explore design for longer use, repairability, and durability, software updates, tech support, upgradeability, and returns. You’ll hear from OEMs, repair professionals, service providers, and policy experts on initiatives that extend the useful life of electronics. 


Just because you are done with it, doesn’t mean it is end-of-life.  There are many opportunities for the reuse of electronics throughout the world. Speakers will share the many ways that electronics are being given second and third lives. From social good programs, to OEM warranties on used electronics, Sustainable ITAD, and various remarketing channels, we’ll be discussing all the many opportunities for reuse.  


Recovering 100% of the materials from electronics is needed to become circular, but we know there are real world challenges to reaching this utopia, like market dynamics, barriers to trade, capacity limitations, a patchwork of global regulations, and unscrupulous competitors cutting corners to outbid those invested in sustainable outcomes. This conference will share all the good progress being made, new innovations, and market developments, while also addressing the challenges to reaching sustainability across many different stakeholder groups. 


The eSummit is hub for professionals committed to advancing sustainable practices at every stage of the electronics lifecycle, including: 

  • Corporate Sustainability Professionals

  • IT and ITAM Professionals 

  • Procurement Managers 

  • Electronics Reuse and Recycling Community

  • Policymakers and Government Officials

  • Product Designers 

  • Manufacturers 

  • Retailers 

  • Reverse Logistics Professionals 

  • Academics


Need a little help making the case to attend the eSummit? Being there, in person brings lots of benefits to your organization, and we’ve got some email copy to lend a little assistance with laying them out. Use it whole or use parts…whatever helps you, we’ve got you covered!

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