Pre-Summit Industry
Meetings & Workshops

What’s on tap

The eSummit is built to be the place where all the stakeholders convene and collaborate toward a more sustainable future for electronics. We think these pre-Summit meetings and workshops from organizations around the industry are a great way to set the tone of what the eSummit is all about!

Mobile Repair Day

Mobile Repair Day offers exclusive programming tailored specifically for mobile repair shops. Participants will gain access to a variety of repair-focused sessions developed by our Repair Steering Committee, with input from attendees through our agenda survey. This event is the ultimate opportunity for repair shops to connect, learn, and grow. Throughout the day, attendees will have dedicated time to network with like-minded professionals. Plus, we’ll provide breakfast and lunch to keep you fueled and focused! 

Tuesday, October 22, 8 a.m. - 2 p.m.

iFixit Design for Repair and Right to Repair Workshops for OEMs 

Join iFixit’s hands-on workshops at the Electronics Sustainability Summit to master the essentials of designing repairable products and navigating Right to Repair legislation.

In the Design for Repair workshop, participants will learn how to integrate repairability into product design through principles of repairability, practical teardowns, interactive discussions, and a live Q&A with iFixit’s Repairability Engineers and CEO Kyle Wiens. This workshop is perfect for product designers, engineers, and technical program managers.

The Right to Repair workshop provides a comprehensive overview of global repair legislation, its implications, and practical compliance strategies. It features insights from iFixit’s Director of Sustainability and experts from U.S. PIRG and The Repair Association. Ideal for legal professionals, compliance officers, and sustainability advocates, these workshops equip teams with the knowledge to stay ahead in the evolving landscape of repairability and sustainability. 

Tuesday, October 22, 8 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.

Circular Electronics Partnership Roadmap for the Electronics Industry

Discarded electronics are one of the fastest growing and economically valuable waste streams in the world. The Circular Electronics Partnership (CEP) provides a platform for leading global organizations and businesses to collaborate effectively and address collective challenges across the entire value chain. Their Circular Electronics Roadmap outlines clear actions across the product lifecycle to enable companies’ transition to a circular economy by 2030. Learn more about the progress made so far and explore the resources and opportunities available to drive this industry agenda further. Attendees will gain insights directly from the CEP staff, governing partners and active industry members, including an exclusive deep dive into the recently released Circular Electronics Design Guide.

Tuesday, October 22, 11 a.m. - Noon

ReMA Electronics Division Meeting

Join the Recycled Material Association (ReMA), formerly ISRI, Electronics Division Meeting. Come to learn more about the premier association for companies across the recycling supply chain! Join us to network with current members, discuss current issues, and learn how ReMA membership can grow your business. 

Tuesday, October 22, 1 p.m. - 2 p.m.

e-Stewards Workshop

Join the e-Stewards team and a panel of industry veterans to explore why e-Stewards is the principled and practical choice for your certification goals. Discover how ESG principles are integral to the e-Stewards Standard and how achieving certification can significantly enhance your organization’s ESG efforts and reporting. Explore the benefits of the new e-Stewards repair standard, designed to reduce costs and streamline certification for repair-focused operations. Gain firsthand insights into the transformative value of e-Stewards and learn how to begin your certification journey today!

Tuesday, October 22, 1 p.m. - 2 p.m.

R2 TAC Meeting

The R2 Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) is the multi-stakeholder group that develops revisions to the R2 Standard. The TAC consists of representatives from key stakeholder groups, including entities covered by the standard; customers of these entities; and regulatory agencies, public interest groups, and other interested stakeholders. It serves as the cornerstone of R2’s credibility and integrity. Open to the public, the TAC Meeting at the eSummit 2024 will continue the conversations of this group in person. For those members of the public who would like to attend, there will be an opportunity for public comment. RSVP for members of the public is required. An RSVP to the R2 TAC in-person meeting at the eSummit will be provided soon. 

Tuesday, October 22, 10:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.

SERI ESG TAC Meeting  

The ESG Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) is the multi-stakeholder group developing the new SERI ESG Reporting Standard for Electronics. More details to come…

Tuesday, October 22, 8 a.m. - 10 a.m.

The Repair Association Board Meeting

You bought it, you should own it. Period. You should have the right to use it, modify it, and repair it wherever, whenever, and however you want. The Repair Association, commonly known as, fights for your right to fix. Join the group that’s been leading the charge on Right to Repair legislation in the United States at their annual in-person Repair Association Board Meeting. Open to the public, this event will provide participants with an understanding of the behind-the-scenes passage of the current legislation in states like New York, Colorado, California, Minnesota, and Oregon. You’ll also receive an exclusive preview of updates to the template legislation for 2025, and more!  

Tuesday, October 22, 2 p.m. - 3 p.m.

OBADA, the ITAD Blockchain
In-Person Meeting

As you know, dozens of industry thought leaders have been working since 2017 to establish a blockchain that will help bring the ITAD industry into the 21st century. The blockchain is being developed, governed, and operated exclusively by organizations from the ITAD sector. These organizations shall have equal voting rights and share in all fees and rewards generated by the blockchain/protocol, as may be permitted by federal laws in the United States of America. Come to hear about our newest use cases and to learn more.   

Tuesday, October 22, 1 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.

IEMN Meeting  

International E-Waste Management network (IEMN) is a global community created to support governments around the world in the management of e-waste. IEMN promotes a sustainable and circular economy for waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) with a focus on policy development, the use of standards and certification programs, and technical assistance. This is an invitation-only meeting for regulators from around the world. If you are interested in attending, please contact: 

Tuesday, October 22, 8 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.

Sustainability Leadership: Next Generation EPEAT® Ecolabel Criteria and Supply Chain Perspectives

The Global Electronics Council will launch its next generation EPEAT® Ecolabel criteria for ICT products in 2025 setting the market expectation for sustainability of ICT products for several years to come. Join GEC and guest speakers for this session to learn about the updated EPEAT criteria covering four priority sustainability areas: climate change, circularity, chemicals and responsible supply chains.

Stakeholders – from purchasers to component suppliers and recyclers – will share their perspectives on the criteria, directional alignment with organizational goals, and implementation challenges with a focus on circularity criteria. Participants will then be asked to join one of several interactive breakout groups to take a deeper dive into several new EPEAT requirements and share experiences, challenges and implementation strategies.

Breakout session topics will include:

  • Moving beyond plastics to inclusion of recycled content metals and its challenges.

  • Challenges in creating supply and demand for reused/recycled critical raw mineral and rare earth element content in ICT products.

  • Accounting for recycled material content in components/products and chain of custody challenges.

For more information or questions, please contact

Wednesday, October 23, 2 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Join us for the ASCDI Panel: Standing Out in an Ever-Changing and Competitive Environment, where ASCDI Members discuss the key steps to becoming a certified ITAD and how to position your company as a leader in the field. Explore who should consider making the switch, what sets elite companies apart, and how to navigate the crowded landscape of certifications and conferences to maximize value. Panelists will share firsthand experiences of how ASCDI has supported their business through ethics, marketing, and unparalleled networking opportunities. Attend this panel today to interact with a few of our industry’s leading companies. Plus, learn more about our new member offer: no dues until January 2025!

ASCDI Secondary IT Meeting: Standing out in an ever-changing and competitive environment

Tuesday, October 22, 10 a.m. - Noon

Keep up to Date!

Circularity means that electronics manufacturers have systems and processes in place that address remanufacturing, recycling, reparability, reusability, upgradability, and resource efficiency. Solutions driven by industry will help enable efficient and effective adoption of circularity through the electronics manufacturing value chain.  Join us for an open discussion on what has been identified thus far as key challenges and opportunities to implementing circular economy and share with us what are the problems and solutions that you are experiencing.  This is intended to be an interactive discussion so please join us as we share knowledge and roadblocks and work to identify potential solutions.

Panelists - Mark Schaffer, iNEMI; Kelly Scanlon, IPC; Cassie Gruber, Jabil

There’s no end to a circle.  How to Address Circularity Challenges in Electronics Manufacturing.

Tuesday, October 22, 9 a.m. - 10 a.m.

Schedule Overview

eSummit 2024: Breaking the Mold

See what awaits you in Austin!

While the topics and agenda are still forming, we can definitely say the eSummit will be jam-packed with plenty of fresh content and maybe even a few fun surprises. We also want to hear from you as attendees to help shape the discussions! Suggest a topic for eSummit 2024 and be sure to sign up for our email list and follow us on the socials to hear about speaker reveals and sessions as they happen!

Tuesday, October 22, 2024


Welcome to the inaugural eSummit! You are amongst the brightest minds and most forward thinking companies in the industry as we move ahead toward electronics sustainability. Prepare to be inspired!




12:00-1:00: LUNCH



Wednesday, October 23, 2024


Wake up to another full day of inspirational content, great conversations, networking, and engaging. Maybe fit in an invigorating riverside walk on the trail today with an old friend!




12:00-1:00: LUNCH



Thursday, October 24, 2024


Another day and still more opportunities to forge new relationships and gather new insights!





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